Casual Event Staff Sydney

Permanent Recruitment

Build your winning team with JRM

The easier way to find permanent hospitality staff

High-quality hospitality staff are hard to find. The best candidates are often open to new opportunities, but not actively looking. JRM provides you access to this market of hidden talent.

Our recruitment team is continually talking to candidates like this and have the prowess to match their expertise with your unique requirements.

We are experienced in filling a wide range of back of house, front of house and office roles from pastry chefs to executive chefs, baristas to group general managers and bartenders to event sales professionals.

Our full service process makes building your dream team easy.

Client Briefing

Before searching for candidates, we develop a full understanding of your requirements and preferences. From the professional skills to the type of individual you are looking to employ in your business, we’ll get a clear picture before we take your opportunity to the market.


We manage the advertising for the role, including approaching hidden talent who we believe are suitable for the role and your business.

Screening and

Applications are screened by phone or through face-to-face interviews, including background checks to assess suitability


Candidates we believe are suitable for the role are shortlisted for the final interview and put forward for consideration.

Interview management
and trial process

Receive support from a dedicated consultant to manage the interview and trial process.

Offer and onboarding

We will manage the offer and onboarding process to achieve a successful result.

Placement Guarantee

Complete post-placement support is provided including our 90-day checkpoint for candidate progress and fast replacement if required