By Jrm

July 13,2021

A Truffle Extravaganza

party time

Before Sydney was plunged into lockdown once again, James and the team at The Pines treated a lucky few truffle loving guests to an unforgettable last hurrah.

Guests were spoilt with an incredibly lavish five course dinner created by James and Head Chef Nic Sum, with wines expertly matched by The Pines sommelier team, Chris Hoy & Noel Sorrenti.

Sadly, Jayson from The Truffle Farm was unable to make it, however Jamie from TNM Creative and Luke from Sydney Direct Fresh Produce stepped up to share the legend of the truffle with the captivated crowd.

Thank you to James and the team at The Pines Cronulla for a fabulous last hurrah. We cannot wait for the dinner series to resume on the other side.

For all those who are missing The Pines as much as we are, stay tuned as they’re just about to launch their at home menus…. exciting!

Stay safe Sydney xx
