By Jrm

June 29,2021

James Sleeps Out for Vinnies

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Earlier this month JRM Managing Director, James Metcalfe took part in the CEO sleepout in support of St Vincents de Paul. James was joined by 1,600 of Australia’s bravest CEOs, collectively raising a whopping $9,177,055.

The Vinnies CEO Sleepout raises money for crisis accommodation, food, healthcare, counselling, education, employment, and support to find a permanent home for thousands of people across the country. 
Hundreds of business, government and community leaders sleepout on one of the longest and coldest nights of the year, gaining a small glimpse into the daily reality for tens of thousands of Australians. For James, this was an extremely humbling experience. 

“It was a cold, uncomfortable and sleepless night but I had the luxury of knowing that it would all be over by the morning,” James said. “The comfort of counting down the hours until I could return home to a hot shower, a cooked breakfast and a soft, warm bed was what got me through. I cannot even begin to imagine how the homeless endure this everyday. They are the true heroes here – their strength, resilience & perseverance is beyond admirable.”

James and his supporters raised an impressive $7,000 which has helped provide 21 individual support programs, 57 beds & 230 meals to those in need. This is a huge effort & we would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated to and supported the cause. 
James and the JRM team look forward to being a part of the CEO Sleepout in future years. 
