By Jrm

December 16,2020

JRM Gives Back – 2020


We love to give back, and even though it was a challenging year for fundraising, we were not going to let anything stop us from doing our bit to help those in need.

The year began with JRM’s sponsorship of the Women in Hospitality Mentorship Program. This is an incredible program which could not have been launched at a better time. Our support of the WoHo Mentorship Program continued into the second half of the year following a hugely successful first intake. If you are interested in being mentored, or feel that you could mentor others, click here for more information on the program.

We continued our community support by sponsoring Southern Districts Rugby Club. Sporting organisations bring communities together, provide good discipline and life balance for kids and we were honoured to be a part of such a great organisation. Click here to follow & support Southern Districts.

In October (whilst in the middle of launching multiple new venues) James somehow found the time to participate in the CEO Dare to Cure fundraiser. He joined an army of philanthropic CEOs down at the Opera House and bravely shaved his head to do his bit to help end childhood cancer. With the support and kind donations from many, he was able to raise over $8,000 for such a worthy cause.

We also continued to support the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation through sponsoring a hole at the Coogee Bay Hotel Annual Golf Day. And we were delighted to be able to donate prizes to the Buildcorp Foundation again this year.

We look forward to taking part in more philanthropic activities in 2021.
