By Jrm

May 08,2024

JRM Spotlight: Casey, The Queen of Crafting Experiences & Creating Opportunities

Meet Casey, the dynamic force behind our hospitality magic! From humble beginnings as a young teenager seeking a part-time job, Casey discovered a passion for connecting with people and ensuring their experiences were nothing short of extraordinary. This initial spark ignited a journey through various facets of the hospitality world, culminating in a managerial role where Casey thrives on challenges and personal growth. Joining JRM brought fresh perspectives and a deep sense of fulfilment in providing opportunities for others. What inspired you to get into hospitality? I started when I was a young teenager; just as a job to make some money, but found that I loved meeting people, chatting and assisting guests to enjoy their experience. Through that, I decided to create a career out of it, moving around different hospitality environments and finally becoming a manager! I love the challenge, pushing myself and the drive for life it has given me! I was seeking more experience from a different perspective within the hospitality industry and joined JRM. I feel accomplished when I am able to provide jobs for people; it feels really good! What do you like to do outside of work? Do you have any interesting hobbies or unique passions? I really enjoy photography, eating food, playing video games, hanging out with my friends, partner and family and going to concerts/festivals! Are there any fun facts you would like to share with the world? I can only whistle while breathing in, not out! What’s your favourite recipe or dish?  I love all kinds of food! But my fav would be Korean BBQ, Ramen, anything Thai, Pizza and Pasta. All the classics! Who (dead or alive, real or character) would you most like to have dinner with?  Frida Kahlo. I learnt about her in art at school and fell in love. She is passionate and creative. I would LOVE to pick her brain.