By Jrm

April 18,2023

JRM’s Ultimate Guide to Onboarding Success

In the hospitality world, recruiting top talent can be a daunting task. It takes time, effort, and resources to find the right candidate with the skills and experience needed to excel in a particular role.

However, it’s not just about finding the right person for the job – it’s also about ensuring that they are set up for long-term success within the organisation. This is where effective onboarding comes in.

Unfortunately, a poor onboarding experience can quickly undo all the hard work that went into the recruitment process. If new employees do not feel welcomed, supported, and valued from the outset, they may quickly become disengaged and lose motivation. This can lead to poor job performance, reduced productivity, and ultimately, high turnover rates.

As an employer, you have a crucial role to play in ensuring that new employees are onboarded effectively. The first few weeks and months of an employee’s tenure are critical to setting them up for long-term success. Employers can play a vital role in this process by welcoming and onboarding new employees in a way that makes them feel valued and supported. Here are some steps you can take to set new employees up for long-term success.

  • Communicate Early & Often

The onboarding process begins even before the new employee’s first day on the job.

Effective communication is key to a successful onboarding experience. Before new employees start their job, make sure to provide them with as much information as possible, including details about their position, schedule, and any required training. This will help them feel prepared and confident as they begin their new role.

  • Prepare for their arrival

One of the most important things you can do to welcome a new employee is to have everything ready for their arrival. This includes having their schedule planned out for the first few days, so they know what to expect and what is expected of them. This can include orientation sessions, training sessions, meetings with team members and managers, and other relevant activities.

  • Give them a warm welcome

Amazingly, this is something that many employers overlook. Make the new employee feel welcome by greeting them on their first day, giving them a tour of the venue, and introducing them to other team members. You could also consider arranging a team happy hour after work to help them get to know their colleagues in a more relaxed setting.

  • Assign a Buddy or Mentor

Assigning a mentor or buddy to new employees can be immensely beneficial in ensuring a smooth onboarding experience. This person can act as a ‘go-to’ for the new employee, providing guidance, answering questions, and offering support as needed. They can also help new employees feel more connected to the team and the company culture.

  • Provide Training and Support

Providing comprehensive training and support to new employees is crucial to their success. In the hospitality industry, this can include training on safety procedures, technical training such as how to use the point-of-sale system, soft skill training such as customer service or conflict resolution, and job-specific tasks.

Be sure to provide ongoing support and resources to new employees as well. Encourage them to ask questions and seek help when needed. This will help them feel more confident in their abilities and foster a sense of belonging within the team.

  • Set Clear Expectations

Setting clear expectations from the outset is critical to new employee success. Be sure to communicate performance expectations, job responsibilities, and any company policies or procedures that may be relevant to the new employee’s role.

This can help new employees feel more confident and motivated as they begin their job. It can also help ensure that they understand what is expected of them and how to achieve success in their role.

  • Communicate Your Brand, Culture and Values

Hospitality is a customer-focused industry, and your brand and values should reflect this. It’s essential to communicate your brand, culture and values to new employees from the outset. This can include your mission statement, company culture, and service standards.

By understanding your brand and values, new employees can align their behaviour with your organisation’s goals and values. This can help them feel more connected and committed to the organisation, leading to improved job performance and job satisfaction.

  • Recognise Achievements and Contributions

In the hospitality industry, employees often go above and beyond to provide excellent service to guests. Recognising and rewarding these achievements and contributions can be immensely beneficial in building employee morale and motivation.

Regularly recognising new employees’ achievements and contributions can help them feel valued and appreciated, leading to improved job satisfaction and a more engaged workforce.

  • Provide regular feedback

Provide regular feedback to the new employee to help them improve and grow in their role. This can include constructive criticism as well as positive reinforcement. Regular feedback will help the new employee feel supported and will help them to develop their skills and knowledge.

In conclusion, effective onboarding is crucial for setting new employees up for long-term success within an organisation. As an employer, you have a pivotal role to play in ensuring that new employees feel welcomed, supported, and valued from the outset.

By being proactive, having a plan, assigning a mentor, setting clear expectations, and providing feedback and recognition, you can help new employees integrate into your business more quickly and become valuable members of your team. By doing so, you can avoid having to start the recruitment process all over again and instead focus on building a strong, engaged, and successful workforce.
