By Jrm
August 12,2020We heard a great quote recently & it really resonated with us – ‘fall down seven times, stand up eight’.
We’ve certainly been presented with a continuous stream of challenges of late, so it seemed appropriate to acknowledge “International Never Give Up Day” and encourage everyone to take a moment to reflect upon how far they’ve come, and to recognise all the challenges that have been overcome.
Very few people get it right the first time. Did you know that 1,009 people rejected Colonel Sanders’ chicken recipe before he finally decided to launch his own restaurant? Imagine if Walt Disney gave up after he was fired for lacking imagination, or if Stephen King put down the pen after his first book was rejected by 30 different publishers, or if Bill Gates gave up after his first invention flunked. Thankfully all of these now successful people stood up and never gave up.
If you, or someone you know is facing challenging times, here are some tips on how to master the art of never giving up:
Never forget, ‘fall down seven times, stand up eight’.