By Jrm

December 06,2018

What do our venues allow us to achieve?

2019 has been a massive year for JRM, especially in regards to the opening of our two new venues, W & Co. and Saint George. Not only are these venues an amalgamative reflection of JRM’s daily tasks as recruiters, managers, marketers and chefs, they also provide a live testing arena for all areas of the business. Our JRM Venues allow us to trial the latest technology and software before recommending it to our clients. From point of sales systems to rostering systems, we find it beneficial to experience what works best to suit our needs, and therefore, the needs of venues that we consult to. Additionally, our venues are spaces where we can test and train new staff in a live environment without impacting our clients. With JRM Venues employing over 50 people and providing a live training site to train and develop future & existing employees, we can view first-hand what it is that businesses seek for each position – whether it be management roles, permanent positions or casual staff. We’re also delighted to have the ability to recommend our venue employees for exciting promotions with our corporate clients after watching them excel at our own venues. Saint George and W & Co. have also provided us with kitchen facilities to bring to life JRM Catering, our latest service. All catering packages and canapes are therefore prepared in our state-of-the-art kitchens, by our chefs and kitchenhands. Perhaps most importantly, JRM venues have given us the ability to work much closer with our employees, to take on board more feedback and ultimately understand exactly what makes a happy hospitality venue.