By Jrm

February 28,2022

Want a career as a chef? Here’s how to make it

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You only need to look at the enduring popularity of the cooking shows on television to realise that for so many Australians, becoming a professional chef is a dream job. It combines a wide range of skills, both technical and creative, and the working environment for chef jobs in Sydney is dynamic and exciting. Above anything else, food makes people happy, and chefs are driven by the joy they give people.

But like any creative and in-demand career, being successful as a chef can be difficult. Thankfully, with the right approach and support from JRM Consulting, we can help get you there.

Want the best chefs jobs Sydney has to offer? Here’s how to help yourself land them

Firstly, after going through the training and apprenticeship period, your first role will be as a junior chef. The main thing to remember here is that you’re very much still learning, and where possible you should:

  • Work in a few different restaurants – this gives you the all-important breadth of experience.

  • Be loyal and reliable – word gets around quickly if you’re a super star and senior chefs will be willing to invest their time to give you the best learning opportunities possible. It also works the other way, so if you’re a “problem child,” you may miss out on these valuable opportunities.

  • Work hard – being a junior chef is a real trial by fire, and there’s no way around it. Prepare for an incredibly hands on, stressful and demanding job, and make sure you have the work ethic for it.

At the same time, understand that it’s important to have a work / life balance and be prepared to set the boundaries that you need to so you can maintain that. Far too many chefs blaze out as juniors by not having boundaries that they stand behind.

As you get more experience

Being a chef can take you in many different directions, but in Sydney in particular, it is a good idea to try out a number of different cuisines and approaches. Sydney is a multicultural city, and the food culture has evolved in kind, so if you specialise too much too soon, you might find yourself locked out of opportunities down the track.

For many of Sydney’s best chefs, once they have enough experience that they’re ready to branch out, they will travel to complete further apprenticeships overseas, or try and work in a variety of different cuisines. The more varied your skills are as a chef, the more likely you are to land a top gig in Sydney, or even find yourself with the opportunity to really live the dream and set up your own restaurant.

JRM can help you get the experience that you need to put yourself on the path to the top chef jobs in Sydney. If this vibrant and exciting career path appeals to you, contact us today!
