By Jrm

September 08,2021

What’s it like to be a casual worker in hospitality?

Casual Wait Staff Sydney

Australians love events, meetings, networking, eating out at restaurants, and other such experiences. While the world is a bit disrupted right now, that part of our culture is going nowhere, and as things open up, people are going to be out and about again in droves. Hospitality is a great, future-proof profession that will need all the casual wait staff Sydney businesses can find.

Be the casual wait staff Sydney employers love

If a career in hospitality appeals to you, have you thought about giving being a casual a go? If you’ve got the right mix of personal and professional capabilities, you’ll be able to find steady work as a casual, and benefit from the flexibility and freedom that comes with it.

JRM’s focus on training and professional development will help to shape you to become the casual wait staff Sydney businesses demand. We’ll equip you with the professional qualities that you need, and then help you find placements that suit your preferences and lifestyle. JRM is the trusted partner for many hospitality employers, and that will help you become the preferred “go-to” casual for the employer and find work when and where you need it.

The benefits of casual work

As a casual employee, you enjoy a number of personal and professional benefits, including:

  • You can move around more – rather than being tied down to one employer and location, you can take your work where it best suits you. This also provides job security since you’re not reliant on a single employer for your income.
  • You have flexibility with hours – you can find a mix of employers that will give you the time off work that you need, as you need it. You can also scale your working hours up and down as your personal circumstances change.
  • You also have more reliability with hours – When you’re working for a single business, your work hours can fluctuate based on that business’ needs. With casual work, you can increase your hours with one employer when another is a little flat.

But why would employers want casual wait staff in Sydney?

Casuals are always in demand in hospitality as businesses need to scale based on seasonal requirements. Casual staff affords them the opportunity to meet their immediate needs, without being burdened with a large workforce during slower times. Particularly with the rolling lockdowns and shifting restrictions, being able to quickly scale is going to be essential to the health of hospitality businesses.

A casual and flexible workforce is therefore beneficial to both employer and employee. JRM is a specialist in the space and can help businesses find the best casual wait staff Sydney has to offer. Contact us today for more information.
