By Jrm

June 14,2022

Why should you hire a hospitality consultant?

Now is the time to consider hospitality consulting Without a doubt the last couple of years have been challenging for the hospitality sector. More people are off work because of COVID, the influx of people on student or working holiday visas still hasn’t picked up just yet, and there is ongoing hesitancy to be “out and about”, particularly for recreational and tourism purposes. But this is changing. 2022 is seeing a return to normalcy for hospitality, and with that comes opportunities and a new host of challenges – are you ready for the acceleration? Have you got the right resources and strategy in place? There are ongoing macroeconomic challenges around inflation and cost of living too, and have your plans taken those into account? Its for these reasons and more that you should be considering the value of hospitality consulting. You need to focus on the business Whether you’re setting up a new business, or looking to adjust your business for the post-pandemic environment, the first step is to conduct a thorough 360 review audit into the business. The focus into the foreseeable future will be three-fold. You’ll want to look for ways to: 1) Increase profit – raw numbers are likely to still be down, so what can you do to ensure that each customer is profitable to the enterprise? 2) Reduce wastage – finding opportunities to run efficient and lean is going to be an essential business best practice. 3) Increase customer traffic – the goal needs to be to steadily scale the business as you can resource the growth. The last thing you need is a poor reputation from growing too quickly and being unable to meet demand with the resources you have available. Where possible, you should also consider outsourcing the logistical side of the business. For example, the JRM consulting team can help you by taking on the task of getting the venue running, from managing the fit-out, designing menus, recruiting staff and ensuring that you’re compliant with regulations. This allows you to focus on the business development and promotion of your operation. It will also set you up well for the future. Long after our contract with you wraps up, you will continue to benefit from access to the leading suppliers that we have partnerships with, and you will know where to come when you need new staff. Take this as an opportunity to reset If you’ve got an existing business, then preparing for the future might mean a reset. Have a look at your menu; have you updated it recently to take into account the latest trends among consumers? Having the JRM team, who remains on the cutting edge of trends, conduct a review of your menu can help you breathe a new wave of inspiration into what you are offering customers. Hospitality consulting services can help you to structure your business to account for ongoing disruption, and prepare it for the opportunities lying ahead. For the savvy, forward-thinking and innovative business, the next few years will be good to the hospitality sector, so make sure you get in touch with JRM Consulting to make sure you’re on the right side of the opportunity.