By Jrm

May 18,2022

Why Is Hospitality Management A Great Career Move?

Staff member
By taking one of the best hospitality management jobs Sydney has to offer, you can give your career a big boost, both in terms of job satisfaction and future career potential. But what is a hospitality management job, and who is it right for? In simple terms, a hospitality management job is one where you have an in-depth understanding of the structure and operation of the hospitality sector, and you manage – or run – the hospitality function within a space or business. Employers that need hospitality managers range from the usual suspects – airlines, bars and restaurants, event venues and hotels – right through to less immediately obvious places like universities and hospitals, the public sector and large corporates. Basically, any job that involves providing people with hospitality probably needs a hospitality manager. Is hospitality management right for me? If you’re the kind of person that thrives in fast-paced, flexible and dynamic, and enjoys a lot of face-to-face interaction, then hospitality management is the right place for you. It’s a sector that suits natural-born leaders who can think creatively and on their feet, and are proactive problem solvers. It’s also a sector that truly rewards practical skills over theoretical. If tertiary education wasn’t for you, hospitality is one of those rare sectors where the career development potential remains enormous. Demonstrate a love for the sector, build up experience, and show an aptitude for leadership and management, and this is a sector where you’ll be judged based on your track record rather than your qualifications. For example, JRM works with a number of industry-leading clients who look for candidates who are the right fit for the organisation and will then invest the time and energy in the individual to grow their skill sets. What do I get from working in hospitality management? One of the biggest benefits of working in hospitality management is the lifestyle and flexibility that it affords. If working on weekends or evenings doesn’t bother you (or you even prefer it), then there are plenty of jobs in restaurants and events that will give you that work. On the other hand, corporate jobs exist that will allow you to maintain a Monday-Friday work week. There are both part time, flexible hours and full-time roles available in this sector, too. Truly, it allows you to set the agenda on how you work. You can also work anywhere in the world. Hospitality is one of those rare skills that applies to the furthest flung parts of the world, and most nations see hospitality management as desirable for the purposes of visas, so if travel has ever been on your “to do” list, this is a great way to work while you experience. Finally, the hospitality sector is resilient and robust. The last two years has been challenging for individual businesses within the sector, but as long as there is the need for meetings, events, and experiences, there will be a role for hospitality management. For those that care about job security, it’s hard to look past this sector. For more information on hospitality management, and to discuss the career opportunities it can provide, contact us at JRM today!