By Jrm

January 18,2022

How can I build my career in hospitality?

Hospitality Jobs Sydney

Do you want a vibrant and rewarding career that is filled with opportunities? Have you considered hospitality, as one of the most dynamic and exciting career opportunities going around? Do you want to work in the best restaurant jobs Sydney has to offer? It’s a highly competitive field, to be sure, but there is plenty that you can do to build your career in this area.

Landing the best restaurant jobs Sydney has to offer

Now is the right time to make waves in hospitality – Australia currently faces negative migration, and hospitality in particular has been affected with skilled employees leaving to relocate overseas or return home. But succeeding in hospitality involves more than simply handing your resume around and hoping for the best. If you want to really land the best restaurant jobs Sydney has going, then you’re going to need to be strategic about it.

1)  Make sure that you plan your career

Have you got a career roadmap? If not, develop one at the very start, as it’s going to help you keep on track and make sure that everything that you do drives towards your broader career goals.

A career roadmap isn’t a complex thing. Do a bit of research into the hospitalityindustry, and understand the kind of career paths that exist within it. Look at the top jobs available at the leading restaurant jobs in Sydney and create a summary of them. See if you can answer the below questions:

  • What are the key position descriptions?
  • What position specifications are there?
  • What are the necessary abilities to hold the top jobs?
  • What kind of training is available in the field?
  • Are there any mentors available?
  • How do promotions work to get to those top jobs?
  • Where can you skill up in the sector?

Once you have a better understanding of what’s involved and how people land the top restaurant jobs Sydney offers, then take a good and honest look at your skillsets and capabilities. Use this information to build an action plan; highlight the “end goal” job that you want, the skills that you’re going to need to do that job, and the steps that you need to take to develop those skills. Finally, set yourself some personal KPIs – dates and achievements – to make sure that you stay on track with your goals.

2)  Build the right network

At some stage you’ll want to find a mentor – an experienced hospitality veteran that sees potential in you and is happy to “take you under their wing” and assist in elevating your skillset and capabilities, as well as meeting the right people.

Don’t be afraid to join hospitality focused groups such as Women in Hospitality (WoHo) who run incredible mentoring programs as well as providing amazing networking opportunities.

When you’re first getting started, however, finding a mentor that will give you their time will be difficult. That doesn’t mean that you should not be networking and getting guidance, however! Find a good recruitment company that specialises in hospitality, like JRM Hospitality, and allow them to assist you with finding the right jobs for you at the stage of the career roadmap that you’re on.

JRM Hospitality is deeply committed to talent development, to help ensure that our people get every possible opportunity to work in the best restaurant jobs Sydney has available. Our commitment to skills development and helping you to find opportunities is essential in making those ultimate job goals accessible. What’s more, it means that all you need, at first, is passion. Even with minimal skills and experience when starting out, JRM Hospitality specialises in helping those passionate about hospitality take their careers as far as they would like to.

3)  Master the soft skills

Finally, hospitality is all about people skills, and so, if you want to land the best restaurant jobs Sydney has available, putting a special focus on your people skills, presentation, and having both strong team leadership capabilities while understanding the nuances of customer service are all important skills to work on at a personal level. These are certainly qualities that we value highly at JRM Hospitality when pairing people up with their ideal jobs in hospitality!

For more information on what we can do at JRM Hospitality to help you land one of the dream restaurant jobs in Sydney, click here.
